Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Marantec is somewhat of an enigma in the garage door opener world. Marantec is a German designed machine, which if you admire BMW, Porsche, and Mercedes (and VW and Audi), as I do means alot. If so, you will understand that, with typical German engineering prowess, they are innovative, well-built machines, designed for a lifetime of service.

Marantec M3-2312 Garage Door Opener Remote
Marantec M3-2312
two button remote control
That being said... They sometimes can be a real pain to work on... not unlike German engineered cars. Programming a new remote is one area that is quite different from other brands. With all other brands I am familiar with, if you have a DIPswitch controlled machine, you can program an unlimited number of remotes, because the code is the same for all machines. You set the remote DIPswitches the same as the gdo's switches (or 'code' settings), and the gdo only 'sees' one remote: they are literally all the same.

With the new, more secure technology, there is a limited memory capacity in the operator (the gdo), of ~7 remote devices (including a wireless keypad). This is because each remote device has a unique identity that must be memorized by the gdo in order for it to authorize granting control of the machine (does that make sense to you?) to that device. That is why the remote device (id) must be programmed into the gdo.

Marantec programming connector
Marantec new-to-new*
programming cable

Marantec's remote control technology allows only one remote device in memory, but it does not use DIPswitches. It uses a relatively complex and unusual programming sequence to memorize the identity of ONE remote control. All subsequent remote devices must be cloned to that first remote.

Additional remote controls are cloned using a short three wire programming cable that plugs into the side of each remote (new remotes come with instructions on which way to connect this cable.

Older Marantec wireless keypads were also programmed using a programming cable. The design has changed, however. Newer wireless keypads are programmed through close proximity to a programmed remote control.

You can find Marantec programming instructions at http://www.garagedoorsupplyco.com/marantec-remotes.html  . If you need help with ordering new remotes, new operators, or other consumables for Marantec, call 888-346-3173 .

* "New-to-new" refers to the version of remote and also means the transmitting frequency is different between the two remotes.  --next blog will discuss the differences.

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